Specchio ARTE
Curators: Paolo Dell’Elce, Giovanna Dello Iacono, Dino Viani, Antonio Zimarino
Artists: Dino Colalongo, Franco Summa, Angelo Colangelo, Albano Paolinelli
Specchio ARTE (ART Mirror) wants to identify that virtual, but in many ways tangible, place in which the human act of looking at the other, at oneself, and mutual looking at each other, becomes reflection and image.
In this case, the gazes that interact with the chosen artists are those of other authors: a sociologist, a filmmaker, a photographer, an art historian. Each of them will look at these mirror-artists, and will try through their own point of view to mediate the image that each mirror-artist returns to the world.
Mirror is the blank slate from which to start again for a redefinition of past events in the light of an actualizing gaze and with particular attention to the memory and experience of each protagonist, where every individual aspect of the artist and his work can extend to the community as renewed cultural heritage. The purpose of the project is to safeguard the path of each artist not only from a creative point of view, but also from a human point of view, and to bring the public closer to the world of art, to the journey that each artist has made and makes in creating his work.
The camera “enters” the world of the artists, in their studios and laboratories to show up close the essential need of every artist to produce beauty as the saving essence of all humanity. The oral testimony from the live voice of the leading artists, in addition to the visual support, will be an emotional narrative counterpart to tell their personal story against the background of the historical period in which they interacted.
16 December 2020 / DINO COLALONGO (watch here)
24 January 2021 / FRANCO SUMMA (watch here)
20 February 2021 / ANGELO COLANGELO (watch here)
7 May 2021 / ‘Onlife Event’ ALBANO PAOLINELLI (watch here)
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