Razza Umana
Curator: Achille Bonito Oliva
Artist: Oliviero Toscani
Date: July 20 / October 21 2012
Location: Piazza della Rinascita, Pescara
In ‘Razza Umana’ (Human Race), an endless gallery of portraits of various and anonymous humanity, photography is not random and instantaneous, it is not the result of an elementary doubling, but rather a pose that makes the reality it starts from complex and ambiguous. In ‘Razza Umana’, Oliviero Toscani builds his gaze chambers, stationary machines, a gaze from above that is omnipotent and childish, capable of dominating large territories where life pulsates in its details. These characteristics become the visual structure of an abstract yet real view system, a descriptive and synthetic analysis for the quality of a space con- fined within the boundaries of a labyrinthine and, at the same time, familiar vision (Achille Bonito Oliva).
Alongside the exposition, Territorio Abruzzo Award was convened addressing the senior and junior high school students. The Award, involving more than 900 participants, was won by Flavia Di Bartolomeo.
30 November 2011 / Territorio Abruzzo Award.
20 July 2012 / Opening ‘Human Race’ – Piazza della Rinascita, Pescara.
19 November 2012 / ‘Human Race’, Abruzzo International Airport, Sambuceto (Pe).
23 marzo 2013 / ‘Human Race’, Università “Gabriele d’Annunzio”.
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